company- history:

The company RUDOLF VATER was founded from the same named Mr Vater who was born in Gablonz at river Neisse (now Czech Republic). After World War II the business was firstly refounded 1954 in Neugablonz, Bavaria, as a partnership company of  HIEBEL & VATER before RUDOLF VATER was founded in 1958. The in the beginning only few staff counting enterprise started to expand soon due to the economic boom and the strong efforts of reconstruction in the nineteenfifties and -sixties. Therefore it was necessary to move in the current company buildings at Gablonzer Ring 42 in 1972. These have then been again enlarged in 1980 about 50 % so that it was also necessary to proportionally increase staff as well.

After the retirement of Mr. Vater in 1989 Mr. Peter Seibt sen. who joined company in 1964 and later was partner took over Mr. Vater shares and the ones of another partner so that the partnership company was changed into a single owned enterprise.  Then, in the later 1990ies especially the hobby-craft- products were driven forward, but without loosing eye on the traditional sectors, haberdashery and buttons.

Yet our staff is busy with the distribution of our four groups counting product range, in order to provide an multifarious and marketable assortment to the variety of customers throughout the world.
